Monday, December 01, 2008


Hi! My name is Jessica and I have an addiction... It all started quite innocently with a reading of the book before I went to see the movie...
And then I bought book 2... And book three...

And book four...

I read all of the books (and half of the next one online) in a matter of 5 days! I did not clean, cook, or even supervise my children much (mind you, they are pretty self-sufficient). What's worse is that I even passed my addiction on to several of my friends! (Sorry Katie!) I have gone to see the movie twice and am planning on a third trip tonight! I think I have a problem my friends... hahaha!
Ok, I'm only partially kidding... although my husband might disagree... I am a huge fan of this series... it takes little brain cells to read, and makes for a nice escape from reality........


Chris said...

Yea, my daughters read all of the books. We saw the movie on opening night at midnight. It was like going to a Beatles concert. Girls screaming, etc. "Team Edward" t-shirts.

The author has her unfinished next novel available for download on her web site, in case you did not know.

Jessica said...

I found that one! Read it too! Can't wait til she finishes it! I've decided there should be a TV series too! Wait... I'd ever leave my house!