Monday, March 30, 2009

My life...

Ok, this is going to be one of those utterly bitchy posts... I can't help myself.. I have to get it out and that was the original point of this blog. This has probably been one of the worst days of my life... at least top 10! 

On Saturday, Kali went to a skating party and fell down. She landed on her wrist and since it was Robert's weekend, he dealt with it... you know, put ice, gave advil... etc. etc. Well, she came home last night and the swelling was pretty bad, so I decided we would go to the dr today! 

Now to this morning... we wake up at 7:30 because I forgot to set my alarm. Then I hear Megs yell from the other room that there is something wrong with Yogi's eye. Being in a hurry, I totally forgot that she said something was wrong. :( Then, we are almost ready to go and I look at Yogi... his eye was protruding from it's socket! PROTRUDING FROM THE SOCKET! I totally lost it... called Robert to be told it wasn't his problem anymore... in fact he suggested the 22 in the closet. I finally got it together enough to get dressed and take him to the vet, and the vet says he will be fine... he will just be the one eyed yogi! 

So after leaving Yogi at the vet, I ran by Dr. Martin's office and they wrote the x-ray request. I get to the x-ray place and the woman looks at me like I'm scary (which made me realize that I looked like crap... my hair was a little madusa like in a headband, no make-up on except for the mascara that was streaming down my streaks and Kali hadn't  brushed her hair)! Anyway, then she tells me that the fall might not be covered because it didn't happen at the house... apparently skating is dangerous! Grr! 

The x-ray went smoothly, and although it was broken no cast was necessary! The dr sent us on our way in search of a wrist brace that immobilizes it! Easier said than done.. took alllll afternoon to find that! Finally ended up at the medical supply store! 

Anyway, needless to say... this day has been long! My head hurts... my brain isn't working correctly... Kali is whining about the brace... the dog is still at the vet... and all I really want to do is go back to bed... but instead I get to go teach a class! 

Ok... complaints done... now to put on my happy pants!!! Or to at least try... 

Monday, March 23, 2009

I have seriously got to work on updating my blog more often. I spend so much time on facebook, I often forget about my blog, which is really sad, because writing is very therapeutic for me! The last few weeks have passed in quite the blur. Robert is officially out and we are all on a schedule now. There are still some kinks to work out with the running of the kids, but it will be worked out as time goes. There are decisions to still be made about the  best way to do some things, but overall I think we are handling it pretty well! Thanks to those who have been praying for us! 

Now to a question I have of you readers... another reason I haven't been updating often is because I don't have a clue who reads my blog anymore... and I don't really know what is safe to say and what isn't. So... please drop me a line and let me know you've been reading... don't just lurk... 

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A long day ahead...

I was told yesterday, by my mother, that I was going to see my grandpa today. I love my gpa, but this is probably the hardest thing I have ever done. I mean, to go to grandpa's means that I have to think about gma, and to think about gma brings lots of sadness and tears. So, anyway, keep me in your thoughts today... I'm already crying just thinking about it, so this ought to be fun! 

Sunday, March 08, 2009


Well spring break has officially started and mine is off to a great
start! A couple of friends and I decided Friday morning to go to South
Padre for a couple of days! As I type this I am laying all by myself
by the pool and loving it! We went out last night for dinner and a
little dancing... Needless to say it was interesting!!! We have a trip
to Mexico planned this afternoon, but may chicken out and just stay by
the pool! Anyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend...see you Monday!

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Question of the day...

Can someone please tell me why it is that every morning when I go to take my shower I have to hunt down a clean towel first? I mean, when I get out of the shower I dry off and hang my towel back up to dry... so why isn't it there the next morning when I go to take my shower? Is there some type of towel fairy that comes every night to take my used towel... like the tooth fairy? Hmmm... 

On a completely unrelated note, I have 50 students at CJC that I teach. This week was informative speech week... of the 50 students I heard 22 speeches... isn't that exciting? SLACKERS!