Thursday, December 07, 2006

One more week...

Oh my, what a week it has been. We have our choir program at church this weekend... so I have had rehearsal every night this week. I am singing a duet with Justin for this program. The song is "Come Home" and it means a lot to me that Bret choose me to sing it with Justin... the man has an amazing voice. I usually do not have difficulty learning songs... nor do I have difficulty singing my song... but Satan has gotten into my head and I am struggling with this one. I don't want to screw it up... I want to worship my Lord with the talent he gave me... and I want to sing the CORRECT harmony. So, I'm asking that ya'll pray for me this weekend... that all will go well... and that the people who need to be touched will be touched. Here are the lyrics for the song... for those of you that KNOW me... you'll understand why this song touches me so...

Have you hungered in the wilderness for a peace that your heart knew before? Have you wandered finding something less when inside you've been longing for more. If you remember how it used to be when you lived your life more abundantly... come home... come home.

If you're tired, and weary, come home. The Father is waiting to welcome his own, and you've been gone, so long. Come home.

You've been searching since you said good-bye, like a child with a lesson to learn. But there's mercy in your Father's eyes as He waits for the day you return. And it won't matter where your heart has been when He holds you close in His arms again... come home... come home.

If you're tired and weary, come home. The Father is waiting to welcome His own, and you've been gone so long.. come home... come home..

Oh why do you keep running from the one who loves you most, so far from where you know you want to be? Patiently He's waiting and He longs to hold you close...even now He's calling softly and tenderly; Come home...

come home... if you're tired and weary come home... the Father is waiting to welcome His own... and you've been gone so long... you've been gone so long.. Come home.

I would upload the song, if I were feeling so industrious, but frankly, I'm too tired to even try it.

Just to catch you up on some of the happenings in our life....

1. Megan got a lead part in the 3rd grade program and she is EXCITED.
2. Kali has decided that it is ok to lay in the floor and make a fool of herself... so, she's been in bed by 7pm every night this week.
3. I am officially done with school... not because I finished... but because I withdrew from the university. I decided I would rather quit than fail... and let's face it... I have entirely too much on my plate to even pretend that I can do it all.
4. On the marriage front, things are going... not always easy ... not always hard... just going... I would love to be all chipper here and say that things are going to be ok... that we will be one of the couples that make it... but I believe in honesty... so my silence will say more.
5. I will be done with my own classes (the ones I teach) as of next Wednesday... and I think I will refuse to get out of bed for at least 3 days.

I am positive there is more I can post... but I must clean the house so the housecleaner can come in the morning (since she reads my blog I figure she'll get a kick out of that one)! If you do not have a housecleaner... I recommend that every person invest the $$$$. It is sooo worth the money I pay Holly every week to clean my house. I come home on Friday afternoons and the house is amazingly clean... and that means I can sleep late on Saturday and I don't have to spend the day fighting with my family about why they should help. I think I would give up sonic cokes before I would give up Holly!

love and miss you guys... jessica

(P.S. Shelly, I will get pics posted this weekend...)


Tammy M. said...

I am so EXCITED for Megan! Glad for the catch up on you and your days. I wish I had a Holly! This time of year seems to be stressing out alot of people, for many different reasons. I hope that once your musical is done (and you will do great, for the Lord is with you!), and once your classes that you teach are done you can take a big breath and feel some peace. Love you.

Anonymous said...

If I was as busy as you, I would stay in bed for 3 weeks also! You need a vacation! I will be praying that your song goes wonderfully!

Anonymous said...

Jess... I will pray for you this week! I don't know all that has gone on with you but I pray that the Lord will help you slow down, take it easy, and figure things out. Love you lots... Hey email me sometime and fill me in on where yall are, the girls, etc...

Holly said...

I bet Megan is really excited. I bet you do great this weekend you've been working really hard. I think pulling out of school was the right thing to do.

Looney Mom™ said...

I'm a little behind on the blogs -- just been so busy. That song is very touching; I'm sure you'll do great. Just sing unto Him and it will be beautiful.

I'm sorry you're having doubts about your marriage. I pray that you will see miracles in it and be healed. God bless.

Majeeda21 said...

I have been looking for the song "Come Home" for weeks! I have searched and searched the internet and your blog is the only place I can find any trace of it. I sang it at church for a Christmas program, but I didn't save the song because we had to return the CD's. The song has been going over and over in my mind for a month and I need to hear it. Do you have it? Do you know where I can get it?

Jessica said...

Majeeda, I hope you get this message, I tried to email you but your blog is private. The song was from our Christmas musical we did at church. I'm not sure who originally sang the song or anything though! Have you tried to call the local Lifeway store and let them look it up for you?

pam said...

jessica please tell me how to downlaod the song come home or who sings it???

Jessica said...

It was a song on our Christmas musical called Everything Glorious. I'm not sure who sings it and I don't know if I have a copy of it still. I will look around for it! Are you wanting to sing it???