Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Ok, so I have a church question... and since I know most of my readers from church, hopefully someone will put in their two cents....

I went to a new church on Sunday.... I really enjoyed the music and the sermon... but there were some things that I haven't really decided about yet. I will go back a few times before I judge, but I just wanted to know what ya'll think...

The church had a prayer time, much like the garden of prayer that Southern Hills did when we attended there. The only difference was that it was men and women (no problem there for me).... but the preacher's wife was anointing people and praying over them and then she approached a mother on the front row and asked if she could pray over the woman's children. Ummmm... what was she doing??? I mean, I have always gone to conservative Southern Baptist or Church of Christ congregations... so I just have never seen this before.... not sure what to think. In addition to this, there was much discussion about being healed. Not sure how I feel about that either. I mean, I would like to believe that God works much like he did in biblical days and there are people who have the ability to call upon God's power to heal... but what do ya'll think?

Anyway, I'm not one to judge... just not sure what to think... and really not sure what to tell Megs about it, because she went with me! So... two cents anyone?

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