Wednesday, July 19, 2006

What does the future hold?

Over the last couple of weeks I have known that there is a HUGE possibility that I will have a job at McMurry this semester... but not being one to want to jinx things I have kept it to myself. Now that I have three appointments scheduled at McMurry next week I am thinking it is ok to share the possibility....

A couple of weeks ago I found out that Kris and Matt were moving to Amarillo... which left two open positions... Joel (the head of the Comm dept.) called me and said "I've been told to bring you on... but you still have to go through the interview process"... WHAT?!! So, I have a job or I don't? People have been out of town and there has been no rush on their part... I think because in their heads I have the job.. but in my head I still have no job. I have, however, felt a great amount of peace about this process. I am not worried about it... it will happen if it supposed to... and that is a new thing for me.... to be able to not worry about it.

I have three appointments set up for next week: Monday at 10, Tuesday at 10, and Wednesday at 10. I find it interesting that the first appointment is set up with the benefits guy and that everyone is calling them appointments and not interviews.

At the same time that these things were happening, I was trying to decide whether or not to finish the M.A. in English that I am one class and comps away from finishing. I opened the mail and there was a scholarship to ACU for half of the one class I still need to take.

This summer has been an interesting one for me. I have learned much about patience and even more about faith... but it took hitting rock bottom for me to learn those lessons... and I know I still have a long way to go. So... keep me in your prayers as I go through these "appointments."



~d said...

Interesting that you say you hit rock bottom. Hang in there! And good luck!

Anonymous said...

I see that ~d had been making the rounds this morning.

Great! I'm so happy for you and your "appointments!"

I'll be prayin'!!

Rebecca said...

Woo-hoo! That's exciting! I love the rush of new jobs and possibilities! I'll be praying with you about that. :)

Looney Mom™ said...

Psalm 37:4 (New Living Translation)

4 Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart's desires.