Thursday, March 01, 2007

Cell Phones and Other Drama...

After the sitting on the railroad tracks experience with the bus, Megs got a cell phone. I know, I know, she's only 9... she's way too young to have one... and if we lived in town it wouldn't have happened... but she has to ride the bus... and the cell phone was the best idea. (Besides, my cell phone was not cutting it anymore and by adding another phone I got the pretty pink razor and she got the old one until we can upgrade Rts phone in August.) Anywho... on the bus today her cell phone was stolen. (Insert dramatic music here.) When she told me, I got online to see what numbers the thief had dialed... and called them all myself. I narrowed it down to two options... Tara and Roger. I called Tara's foster parents at 7:30 to check things out, and Tara was already asleep and they weren't overly concerned about it. No big deal. I called Roger's parents and Roger did indeed have the phone... he says he found it on the bus floor... but he is grounded for life and will be bringing the phone to Megs in the morning. Being the responsible person I am, and not wanting Tara to get beat, I called her house again at 9:24 pm to tell them the phone had been found. The foster mother answered the phone with a 'hello we are trying to go to sleep' ... and hung up. Now, when I heard the hello I simply said "This is Jessica Wheeler again and I just wanted to let you know that we have found the phone"... I'm not sure if she heard any of it since she was soooo busy yelling at me and hanging up the phone. Jerk! Here's my question, though, was I wrong for calling at 9:24? Should I have just left the parents thinking the girl had the phone? Hmmm...

On another note, it is once again Dittos for Kiddos time. My friends and I got to the sale at 4:15 so we could be some of the first into the building. While we were spending our 45 min in line, we realized that some nerd had parked behind my friend's van, blocking her in. I guess the woman didn't realize that my friend was the second row... thereby sandwiching her in. Amy is not shy... so she went down the line a bit and just made an announcement that the maroon van needed to move... it moved. Well, when we came out of the sale, there was an entire third row of vehicles down much of that aisle... blocking not only Amy in, but about 6 other people. Now, I am a woman driver... and I know my husband would swear that men would never do that... but, come on, how can you pull into a parking place and not realize that there are two other vehicles in front of you?



Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Late? Just in time? Who knows. :)

Holly said...

I don't think that's too late to call. They sound like really great foster parents. Makes you want to call social services and explain to them. (Please call this hateful people so they don't yell at this kid)

Iris said...

My 8yr old daughter has a cell phone, and we live in a small town. I got her one of those kids phones that she can only use to call pre-programmed numbers. It has an amazing GPS system in it and if she is ever missing, we can track her down using the GPS in the phone.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Jessica, I forgot to sign in so this is going to show up anonymous. Sorry! Anyhow, NO 9:20 is not to late. I think 10 is the universal "it's to late to call". Mean people are so stupid!LOL! I am so jealous you guys have dittos there. It sure does get expensive buying the clothes I LIKE to buy for 4 kids. Especially since my girls are too far apart to really share. At least stylishly(is that a word?. And boys are easy. T-shirts and jeans or shorts. I think Jason and I are going to get Kate a cell-phone soon, too. We said we would never do it, but it's just way too convenient! Well, have a great day. Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog!

Amy Horton(just in case you know more than one amy who always forgets to sign in before commenting)