Sunday, January 28, 2007


Two weeks ago my husband and I separated. Things have gone pretty smoothly... until this morning... not that there was some crisis... it was more comical than anything.

On Friday, I gathered the girl's clothes for the weekend, including their church clothes. I made sure I grabbed Kali's boots too. Well, as we were getting ready this morning I looked everywhere for Kali's boots... they were no where to be found. I called Rt and asked him to bring Kali's boots to church and he said he would. When the girls and I got to church I went to the truck to get the boots... he had picked up Megan's boots. OOPS!

I dropped the kids off at Sunday School, Kali without shoes... her teacher said "oh it doesn't matter, she kicks them off the minute she walks in anyway." Then I ran home to figure out the shoe issues. As I dug through my shoe basket, guess what I found... yep, Kali's boots!

I'm beginning to think I wasn't supposed to be in Sunday School or something... since I made it back to church just in time for worship.



Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you guys had to separate. I hope it works out for you.

And I so know what it's like to try to reason with students who are royally screwing up and don't seem to see it. Can we say FRUSTRATION?

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you were even posting over here! It's not showing up on my bloglines! I've missed tons of posts!! I wouldn't have even thought to check except you said something about this post on the other blog. Why haven't you said something to me about not commenting over here?????? Geesh.

The Best Family said...

I am glad to hear that the crisis was only a pair of boots.... hang in there, Jessica... God has a plan for you.... be patient for his timing! (I know, easier said than done!)

Holly said...

I have decided blogline hate you. It isn't pulling your blogs again. I missed like 4 post.

Melissa said...

I'm sorry to hear about you guys! I had no idea. I'm glad things are going smoothly for you though and I hope they continue that way. I don't get on here very often - as you can tell with my blog- but I originally was going to get on here to tell you to e-mail me when you are serious about ordering scrap stuff cuz I don't check my blog very often!