Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What I'd like to say...

If you missed Brandi's comment from the post before you should go read it... it had me laughing out loud in my office!

Ok, so this has been one of those mornings that I have had to bite my tongue for fear of telling numerous students how I really feel... Let me give you some examples of how my students are behaving...

I sent an email regarding speech grades yesterday. I gave them an extra credit opportunity that had to be turned in at the beginning of class, typed, no excuses. If they didn't have it, they didn't get the points. (Mind you, the students are required to use their MCM email.)

Student after seeing other students handing stuff in: What email?
Me: The one I sent on Moodle, I'm sorry you missed the opportunity.
Student: But my MCM email doesn't work?
Me: How long has this been happening? (This was in an effort to figure out if this just happened so I should feel sorry for her.)
Student: Oh, all semester.

I couldn't even respond for fear of something sarcastically inappropriate coming out!

After group presentations I had another student come tell me how awful I am for making them do a group presentation. She then informed me that she was offended by the extra credit opportunity because she feels like she did everything she was supposed to for an A and she didn't get one. Mind you this is the same student who has turned in every assignment late... always with some excuse about stress from other classes. Why don't students get it??? If they turn in their work and follow the directions and come to class they will be happy with their grades...

I love my job, I love my job, I love my job...

1 comment:

Looney Mom™ said...

Oh man. I'm not sure if I'd be able to bite my tongue. I would hurt someone! lol.