Thursday, May 10, 2007


I hate laundry. There I said it... doesn't change that I have like 10 loads to wash. Our washer died a few months ago, so I've been doing the laundrymat thing. We could've bought a washer, but I really, really, really wanted a front loading one, so I told hubs I would save money to buy what I wanted instead of buying something I didn't want. Yesterday, I reached my limit with the laundry mat (there are weird peps there and don't get me started on germs) and I decided I would just get the top loading washer and be done with it. I went to Lowe's and was about to write a check for a regular washer until the nice little salesman told me a secret... Did you know that Thursday is the day that Lowe's puts out the appliances that are clearanced because they are scratched or repaired? Anyway, he suggested I wait and although it was difficult I did. (Have I told you that I am one of those people who gets and idea and follows through immediately? Something about impulse control!) I went to Lowe's today and low and behold (where did that phrase come from?) there was a front loading washer that had been repaired... half price... still warrantied... YIPPEE! So... I'm sitting on my couch while my laundry washes in my own house! Never thought I'd get so excited over an appliance! Just in case you didn't know... a front loading washer save 68% in water and 67% in electricity compared to a toploading washer. The other benefit is that we can now build a shelf above the washer and dryer to fold laundry on... you know, since there is no laundry room in my house and Rt doesn't think the couch is an appropriate place for laundry! Do you think this counts as a mother's day present?



Rebecca said...

Those are awesome! I used to sell those all the time at Sears. Now that was a sucky job. But I learned a lot of handy appliance information.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Washing is gonna be so fun for you for about 3 days! haha. So good of you to think about saving water and energy! I give you a gold star :)