Sunday, October 28, 2007

What a weekend!

Another weekend gone... and what a weekend it has been...

I hosted a bridal shower (with 9 other women) on Friday night and in the middle of the shower I got a phone call from my husband. I, of course, didn't have my phone on me, so I didn't know I had received the call. Oops. When I finally checked the message I quickly got in the car and sped home... wanna know why???? There was a skunk in the dog fence! Ugh! When I got home, I found my husband sitting in a lawn chair waiting for the skunk to emerge from behind the doghouse. I finally got the water hose and squirted the smelly creature out of his hiding place. On his way to dispose of the skunk, Rt saw another skunk leaving our yard... what's that about? We have lived here for almost 3 years and have never seen a skunk in our yard... in the last week Rt has seen several! And for those who are saying 'ah, poor skunk' sorry to offend, but if you had smelled my yard and vehicle all day Saturday, you would realize that skunk and man cannot cohabitate!

My dad went in for his interview with Cintas. Must to our surprise, he is considering NOT taking the job. This is not ok with any of us, and we do not understand his logic... so just keep him and us in your prayers. I don't want him to turn down a position just because it scares him. Anything is better than the jail!

We took the girls to see "Hairspray" this weekend at the $1 theater... and Megan didn't like it. When I probed her for answers I found out that she just didn't get parts of it. Can you guess what part of the movie she didn't get??? The racism part! We spent the entire ride home trying to explain to her the stupidity of prior generations. And the stupidity that still exists today. Then we watched "Glory Road" and had to explain again why all the bad things happened to the black basketball players. And why the confederate flag was disrespectful. Anyway, poor kid... you could tell that she didn't really get why people would act that way. If you haven't seen Glory Road... you should see it... it is a great movie...

Well, since I've had a sinus headache for 3 days I think I'm going to go to bed now... Hope everyone had a great weekend...

1 comment:

Looney Mom™ said...

Yup. Skunks are cute but yucky. Sorry you have to deal with them.

Your poor daughter. On one hand I'm glad that our kids don't get that racism thing but they should still learn about how it used to, and still can be. I haven't seen either of those movies but I think I should.

Hope you feel better! Sinus headaches stink! :)