Sunday, April 30, 2006

Wisdom from Desperate Housewives

One of the most irritating things about being a church goer are the people.... the people who say things like "Ask of the Lord and you will receive" because the truth is it doesn't always happen that way and we have a tendency to ignore that. I am not saying that God doesn't give us what we ask for... sometimes...but I am saying that it is in His power to say No or to say nothing at all. There have been many times in my life when people were telling me to pray and I would be ask and I would receive...and what I was asking for didn't happen. I am not bitter about it...but I am bitter about those within the church who seem to forget the world is not all roses and the answer is not always yes.

Tonight, on Desperate Housewives, the final thought of the show was about asking God for the things that we want... and that sometimes, no matter how much we want it, His answer is No. I shouted a hearty 'AMEN' at the TV... but I was left with the feeling that the people who need to hear that message probably don't watch the show.



Chris said...

My theory is that if you keep asking him, he will eventually give in, but getting what you want is not necessarily good, even if you think so at the time.

SuperMom said...

Funny. Desperate Housewives theology. I love it!!

It is interesting, isn't it? Where you can actually find truth lurking?

janjanmom said...

I've always appreciated the Godly wisdom of Desperate Housewives...hee hee.

Rebecca said...

If church-goers would read the Bible, they wouldn't spout off such nonsense all the time. Who in the Bible got everything they wanted from God? It's just stupid to think of God as a big vending machine in the sky that you just have to crank up and wait. God blesses us to bring Himself glory, not to make us comfortable. And he also allows us to suffer for His glory, so people can see us delighting ourselves in Him in the midst of it. It's complete blasphemy to think we can manipulate God into doing what WE want. Just tell them to read Isaiah or Ezekiel, or Paul for that matter. Without just skimming over all the "for the glory of God/ for the sake of Christ" phraseology. (sorry for the rant, but this is kind of a touchy subject for me.) :)

Jessica said...

Preach it sister! I guess my real problem is that I feel like people 'sale' Christianity using the 'you will be blessed' bit... we have a tendency to forget the times that there were trials and tribulations.

Antique Mommy said...

A peeve of mine too. Sometimes I receive without asking, other times I ask and do not receive. And then one time I scheduled a hysterectomy and then I received what I asked for long after I quit asking. God likes to keep me guessing. He's wacky like that.

Amy said...

FINALLY! A Biblical truth from Desperate Housewives!
It is certainly a big pet peeve of mine. God's gift is salvation. Thank Him for that and count everything else as pure gravy. (We're both from Texas, so I figured you'd know that gravy is a good thing).